Cherry Choc Mud Cake

Looking for a quick, guilt-free one pot wonder? Why not try this quick and easy healthy cherry choc mud cake!


3/4 cup of flour of choice (we use wholemeal self-raising flour)

2 tablespoons of cacao powder

1 pinch of salt

1 cup of plant based milk (we used almond milk). Add more if mixture is looking a little dry

2 heaped tablespoons of sweetener of choice e.g. stevia, coconut sugar, agave etc. (we used 2 heaped tablespoons of a Monk Fruit Sweetener) 

6 CherryHill cherries cut into quarters


Step 1. Simply mix all the dry ingredients together in a large mug then mix in the wet ingredients, EXCEPT the cherries.

Step 2. Once the mixture has been well mixed to a thick cake batter-like consistency, stir in the cherries so the pieces are evenly spread.

Step 3. Microwave for 2 minutes and take it out and stab a fork into it. If it comes out clear/dry, leave to cool for a few minutes. If not clear, microwave for another 20 seconds and repeat until the fork comes out dry/clear. 


Thank you to @nourishfulsabrina for this cherry inspired recipe and image


Need more cherrylicious inspo? Check out this Cherry and Ricotta Crumble…


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